What is it about our self-esteem that will drive some of us to the outer edges of our sanity? Throughout my nearly thirty-year career as an addiction counselor, I’ve worked with people from all walks of life. Some had the strongest addictions imaginable – others not so much. Addicts have died in my arms while others go on to lead happy and productive lives. In every case self-esteem played a role.




Our Addictive Society
Part II:
The Neo Opium Wars

I’ve come to believe that how we perceive our self worthiness effects every decision and choice we make, no matter how large or small. The value we place on ourselves is like a song playing on an endless tape loop in the background of our conscious mind. It is constantly telling us what we should like or dislike, what we should or shouldn’t do, how to feel when we’re rejected and even where we fit in socially.

Therapy has helped a lot of people with self-esteem issues. I’ve seen tremendous development in people in short periods of time. It just seems that for some people, once they begin to realize what is playing in the background they’re able to change the tune. However for others, it can be much more challenging. They often have a physical issue with their body or a poor perception of how they look to others that prevents them from overcoming these issues with therapy. Some people just need to physically change who they see in the mirror every morning to rid themselves of their emotional demons.

It is with this in mind that I’ve expanded into aesthetic treatment. Not long ago I opened Laser Therapy Spa in Hallandale Beach. The spa addresses the therapeutic needs I couldn’t provide at my treatment center. We only use the latest advancements in therapy and procedures that are scientifically proven to be safe and effective.

One of the greatest advancements in aesthetic treatment to come out in a very long time is Coolsculpting. Dr. Oz said CoolSculpting is “a lunchtime procedure that is going to revolutionize the fight against fat. It’s giving Liposuction a run for its money.” CoolSculpting is a painless non-surgical fat reduction procedure with negligible side effects. After a long and arduous study that demonstrated efficacy in both humans and animals, the procedure was approved in 2010 by the FDA.

The impetus behind the development of the Coolsculpting procedure was a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine in April 1970. A few researchers at the time were intrigued by how children who sucked on popsicles had developed dimples. What the researchers discovered was that constant exposure to cold caused a loss of fat tissue. In this case, the children lost fat tissue on the sides of their mouths – causing dimples – due to the prolonged exposure to the cold popsicles. They even came up with a name for it, Popsicle Panniculitus. Years later, scientists revisited the study with fat reduction in mind. Eventually they developed a procedure that was scientifically proven to reduce fat tissue in selected areas of the body.

Everyone’s body is unique in the way and where they store fat. People with higher metabolisms burn more energy through the course of a normal day thus storing less energy. For the rest of us, it’s not that easy. Even people who are committed to a healthy lifestyle, people who watch their diet and exercise regularly, are subject to fatty areas on their bodies. For some it’s the stomach area while others it might be the thighs and so on. Perhaps one of the greatest advantages of Coolsculpting is its ability to target specific problem areas. It’s a localized procedure that has a big impact on target areas carrying unwanted fat.

The Coolsculpting procedure we use at Laser Therapy Spa was developed by Harvard scientists. It works on everyone.  It is considered a ‘lunchtime procedure’ with no significant side effects or down time. There are no scalpels or needles. After a treatment you can go about your daily activities like you normally would. Treatments take about an hour per area of the body being treated. Most centers have one device. However, at Laser Therapy Spa, we appreciate just how valuable your time is. To that end, we’ve added a second device so that you can have two procedures in one hour. For example, if you want to reduce the size of your love handles you should plan on a one hour procedure at the Laser Therapy Spa or two hours at other centers.

Before a Coolsculpting procedure begins a thin fabric is placed over the area being treated. A small devise is then placed on the treatment area. The device creates an air tight pocket while sucking the skin inward. The target area is exposed to very low temperatures, freezing the fat away. Exposure to low temperatures can selectively damage fat below the surface while leaving the skin intact and unharmed. The intense cold flips a switch in fat cells causing them to self-destruct and be naturally reabsorbed back into the body.

The side effects of Coolsculpting are minimal. Some people say they feel a little tingling and cold during the first few minutes of the procedure before the low temperatures numb the targeted area. Redness, soreness and minor swelling can occur after the procedure.

I’ve always been an advocate for exercise and good nutrition. From my experiences, if there ever was a panacea for what ails you, exercise and a balanced diet would be it. Coolsculpting is not a substitute for healthy living, nor is it a weight-loss program. But what it will do is eliminate unnecessary fat cells from your body. Once the fat cells self-destruct they never return. As they are naturally reabsorbed by the body the tissue begins to compress, taking inches off the treated area. Most people start seeing results a few weeks after the procedure. It takes a couple of months before you’ll see the full result as it takes this long for the body to absorb the unwanted fat cells. The amount of inches lost varies from person to person, but over all we’ve had great success. People keep coming back and referring their friends.   

Throughout my counseling career, people have sought me out because they wanted change. There was something in their live that they simply could no longer tolerate. Their challenges have always been the catalyst that drives me to learn and do everything I can to help them slay their personal dragons.  What I’ve come to realize from working with so many people from such diverse backgrounds over the decades is just how much of an influence self-esteem has on our every day lives. How we judge ourselves can force us to the fringes of society or help us become the toast of the town. It can be the difference between happiness and gloom, success and failure.

Often in our fast pace lives, we unconsciously put our own needs on a back burner while we tend to the immediate situations in front of us. I’d suggest to everyone reading this to stop what you’re doing for a moment and just focus on you. Ask just one question; “am I happy about the way I look and feel about myself?” If the answer is no, please feel free to give me a call at 954-455-8400. Laser Therapy Spa is located at 800 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd in Hallandale. The website: http://www.lasertherapyspa.com/

John Giordano DHL, MAC is a counselor, President and Founder of the National Institute For Holistic Addiction Studies, Laser Therapy Spa in Hallandale Beach and Chaplain of the North Miami Police Department. For the latest development in cutting-edge treatment check out my website: http://www.holisticaddictioninfo.com