Written by: Christ Roy

Understanding and dealing with medical conditions that affect a person’s mind can be very complicated. Treating it is one thing, but it is essential to understand why a person might be mentally unstable or affected by some condition.

Psychotic disorders can include many types of disorders that primarily affect a person’s mind. A person with these disorders loses touch with reality and finds it very hard to function normally. With severe loss of cognitive abilities, a person might lose the ability to communicate, make judgments, and might behave erratically. It is essential to understand what the symptoms of this are and what causes psychotic disorders.

What makes psychotic disorders so prevalent in young adults?

Psychotic disorders in young adults are very common; out of all age groups, young adults are among the most at-risk. Understanding the cause of the condition is essential to treating it.

Substance abuse

Overuse and addiction to harmful substances such as drugs and alcohol can be a significant cause of psychotic disorders. Substance abuse is prevalent in young adults as they are more easily influenced by others around them and can be lured into using. Drugs and alcohol can be very addictive and can pull a person into a life of addiction.


The stress of school and college and finding one’s way in life can take a toll on a person’s mental health. Many young adults have a lot of pressure to do good in school as it can decide one’s future. The stress caused by this can mentally affect some people and lead to them developing psychotic disorders.

Big changes in life

Different people deal differently with significant changes in life. Some people might feel stressed with changes in their life, which can affect their mental health. Sometimes a person might feel overwhelmed all of a sudden and is not ready to take big steps in their life. This can be a cause of psychotic disorders in young adults as they are not very adept at dealing with major changes, and the first changes they have in their life can be even more stressful.

Psychotic disorders that might come with age

A lot of psychotic orders just come as a person gets older. Older people are very likely to face psychotic disorders, as a person’s brain will naturally lose cognitive function as a person gets older.

It is also very common for psychotic disorders to be inherited. A lot of psychotic orders in people can be passed on to them by their parents and might run in the family. These types of psychotic disorders can appear anytime in a person’s life.

Common symptoms of psychotic disorder

In most cases, a professional will have to check on you to see if you have a psychotic disorder, but there are some apparent symptoms you should always look out for.

  • Hallucinations
  • Delusion
  • Loss of interest in everything
  • Inability to properly communicate
  • Sudden speech problems
  • Erratic mood; one moment you might be happy, the other sad.

Some people might have multiple symptoms, and some might have very light symptoms. Getting checked by a doctor is the only sure way of diagnosing a disorder.

Treating psychotic disorders

Treating psychotic disorders can be very tricky and, in most cases, will require a combination of medicine and professional help.


In most cases, medication won’t outright cure a person, but it will help manage the disorder’s effects on a person. Anti-psychotics can help a person manage a lot of symptoms that are associated with most psychotic disorders. For people undergoing treatment for their psychotic disorders, medication is essential to helping them lead a normal life while the treatment is going on.

Professional help

It is crucial to get professional medical help to treat psychotic disorders. In most cases of psychotic disorders, the patient won’t have to be admitted to a ward or institution and will be an outgoing patient. Regular sessions with a therapist or counsellor can be a great help in dealing with psychotic disorders. For many young adults, the psychotic disorders affecting them might not be very severe, and regular visits to a therapist might improve them. Of Course, there will be cases where the symptoms of their psychotic disorder might be very intense, and they will need to be admitted.

For professional help, you should always look at the best therapists or counselors available in your city or area. So if you live in the UK, a quick internet search to find a therapist UK can help you out.